miércoles, 28 de marzo de 2012

GNUPlot intro


   GNUPLOT is a command-driven interactive function plotting program.

   For help on any topic, type `help' followed by the name of the topic.

   The new GNUPLOT user should begin by reading the `introduction' topic (type
`help introduction') and about the `plot' command (type `help plot').
Additional help can be obtained from the USENET newsgroup comp.graphics.gnuplot.

* copyright
* introduction
* cd
* clear
* command line-editing
* comment
* environment
* exit
* expressions
* help
* load
* pause
* plot
* print
* pwd
* quit
* replot
* reread
* save
* set-show
* shell
* splot
* start-up
* substitution
* user-defined

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