miércoles, 28 de marzo de 2012

set ylabel

set ylabel

   The `set ylabel' command sets the y-axis label.  The position of this label
depends on the terminal, and can be one of the following three positions (the
position can be adjusted with optional parameters).

   1. Horizontal text flushed left at the top left of the plot.  Terminals that
cannot rotate text will probably use this method.

   2. Vertical text centered vertically at the left of the plot.  Terminals
that can rotate text will probably use this method.

   3. Horizontal text centered vertically at the left of the plot.  The EEPIC,
LaTeX and TPIC drivers use this method. The user must insert line breaks using
\\ to prevent the ylabel from overwriting the plot. To produce a vertical row
of characters, add \\ between every printing character (but this is ugly).

             set ylabel {"<label>"} {<xoff>}{,<yoff>}
             show ylabel

   With no parameters, the label is cleared. Specifying constants <xoff> or
<yoff> as optional offsets for the label will move the label <xoff> or <yoff>
character screen coordinates. For example,

             set ylabel -1

   will change only the x offset of the ylabel, moving the label roughly one
character width left of its default position. This is especially useful with
the LaTeX driver.

   (The EEPIC, Imagen, LaTeX, and TPIC drivers allow \\ in a string to specify
a newline.)

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